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Botanical Banquets

We’ve always loved using plants in our work but wanted to take it further. Struck by how beautiful plants are in their own right and with sustainability at the forefront of all of our minds, we set to work designing a range of memorable, elegant, living tablescapes, designed to be re-planted in their entirety after an event.

October gave us cyclamen, heather and deep green ivy bringing to mind an elegant garden party. We were also lucky enough to find the first of the evergreen mini pine trees in the market, and inspired by alpine landscapes, we arranged them en-masse in a low custom made planter running the length of a stunning mirrored table. Our final look was inspired by the heat and jewel toned colours of exotic markets, planting chilli, bead and berried plants alongside pansies for little pockets of prettiness.

So, with a little experimentation and a lot of soil on our hands, Botanical Banquets came to be.

As well as being beautiful, the concept makes perfect sense from a sustainability point of view – enabling the table flowers to live on long after a celebration is over.  Giving hosts the pleasure of gifting plants to their guests, donating to charity, or overhauling their window boxes!

These 3 looks are from our winter series, and we’ll be designing a new set in spring. Credit goes to the team at Options Greathire for helping select and providing the furniture, linens and tableware for the shoot.